

I LOVE my mayo and make it so often. It is not only perfect by itself, but a building block for many great dressings and sauces. Master this and not only will you save money, you will open a whole new world of yummy possibilities!! 

Hollandaise Sauce

Hollandaise Sauce

My hollandaise sauce has a rich and creamy taste, with a delicate balance of tangy lemon and buttery flavours. The sauce has a smooth, silky texture and is indulgent and luxurious. A dash of lemon, Dijon and cayenne bring it to life and really makes 

Raspberry Coulis

Raspberry Coulis

A coulis takes your dessert to the next level, it is just so darn good. You can use any fruit with this method but raspberry is most definitely my favourite. I love how that crimson colour adds life to plating and generates excitement. Use as