

I can’t help but share my Thermomix and food knowledge, it excites me! I want everyone to enjoy mealtime and all the food in between! That’s the reason I am here, welcome!

Me … in a nutshell

I was born in Kuala Lumpur and spent many years in Singapore. I have fond memories of the international school I attended. The food has been a constant memory. The spice, the rice and the amazing satay at the Hawker centres and the chicken curries my mum made. Eventually I went to a boarding school in the UK. Every Summer holiday I would head back to a new home and a new country. It was an exciting childhood! I had fun. Andrew and I have been married a while! I reckon I have the two best sons in the whole world! Alas, they are now all grown up so I am an empty nester eagerly awaiting grandchildren. Until then Max the Moodle is my little shadow and love of my life, second only to Andrew.

Max the Moodle

My glass overflows and I cram as much into this special life as I can. I have worked in Human Resources for many companies around the world. Our sea change resulted in me opening a craft superstore, what fun! I had a monthly publishing gig and taught crafty goodness all over the world. At 55 I was the proud owner of a 2nd dan black belt in Taekwondo! I even beat a notable French chef on SBS, that was so much fun!

Never too old to have a go I say! Carpe diem!


Oh what a journey!

I thought my friend crazy when she told me she bought a Thermomix, little did I know! Today I am on a dizzy, fun and fulfilling journey fuelled by my love of Thermomix!

I bought a TM5 many years ago while working and it saved me so much time. It enabled me to provide quick healthy meals for my boys after a demanding day at work. Time around the table is special. Thermomix made this possible and united us as a family at mealtime. We chatted, laughed and looked forward to catching up over dinner. It was not long before I was creating new recipes and taking it to the edge! Cooking had always interested me but was often pushed aside. With more time available I started sharing this new passion.

When I retired I knew that I would need to continue sharing my foodie passion, I just loved what it could offer people. Thermomix was my natural choice. It had given me so much. I became a Thermomix consultant, a very passionate one. Heck you just need to hear me talk about Thermomix to find that out!

Having Fun with Thermomix!

Today I have hundreds of customers all over Australia. I think everyone needs a Thermomix and needs to be inspired and supported on their journey. That’s what I love to do. It can be so much fun in the kitchen with a Thermomix and a passionate consultant by your side!

Welcome to my blog!

So here I am. No idea really what I am doing, but doing it none the less, giving it a go. I am constantly asked if I have a blog, now I can say yes!!!!

Life is busy! With a Thermomix in the kitchen there really is no excuse. Cooking an amazing dinner can be fun for the cook and enjoyable for the family.

Let’s have fun together in the kitchen!